Friday, June 25, 2010

Summertime laziness

I have gotten extremely lazy when it comes to Japanese studying. Since I left my home state for the summer, I am constantly on the go. Work, friends, family and play. It's hard to balance in studying on such a schedule.

For now I am attempting to just keep myself from losing what I already learned. It would be extremely hard for me to learn anything new now, and even harder to retain that information. The one thing I am most likely to lose is the kanji, so I try to study that once/twice a week with Anki.

I don't like that my motivation is so much lower in the summer, but the best I can do right now is save all that I've learned at this point!


  1. Yeah, dips in motivation do happen unfortunately... Good luck! がんばれ〜

  2. Thank you! I'm back on track now, even if it took a few months ^_^;;
