Tuesday, January 19, 2010

As I am interested in Japan's culture, I have also taken a great liking to anime and manga. I will try to periodically post reviews/opinions on both medias, some I'll have finished and some I am still watching! What else do I have to talk about before I make it to Japan ^_^.

Naruto Shippuuden

This is the first anime that comes to mind mainly because I am still in the process of watching it, and have been watching it since it first came out. I have seen both the Japanese and English version, and like both equally. I get really irritated when I hear people condemn English dubbed versions of animes to hell because they like the original Japanese version better. Sure in most cases it's true, especially for animes where the main characters will have distinct voices like high pitched and whatnot. But there are several animes which I prefer the English, such as "Fruits Basket" and "Inuyasha." And it's so much easier just to watch the anime without having to read anything every scene. On the other hand one anime English dub that made me cringe was "Outlaw Star." Regardless, I like to keep an open mind.

For "Naruto Shippuuden," I watch the Japanese version because it's much farther ahead! The story line is great as well as the action scenes and strategy elements. At the end of every episode it is always a cliff hanger and I die to the see the next. The writers also kept it realistic and deaths happen throughout the series to who you wouldn't expect. And to who you will miss. Characters develop nicely (one of my favorite elements) and you easily find yourself routing for certain characters throughout the story. I am currently at episode 143, which is the last one to be released so far. The few episodes leading up to it is MIND BLOWING. I cannot stress it enough. There is a certain element throughout both the "Naruto" and "Naruto Shippuuden" that turns upside down and you are left dazed and confused. I hope I'm coming across all right because I'm trying to write this in a way without giving anything away.

All I can say is, if you like adventure/action, drama and comedy, you will love this series. Of course, I definitely recommend watching the pre-series "Naruto," which leads up to "Naruto Shippuuden."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hiragana Book Review

Title: Remembering the Kana (Part one: Hiragana)
Author: James W. Heisig
Rating: ***** 5/5 stars

This book is amazing. I cannot stress how much Heisig helped me learn hiragana. And you know what? It only took 2-3 hours! Maybe more with a few extra notes I looked over, regardless Heisig promises you will learn the hiragana within 3 hours in the beginning.

It's interesting the methods he uses to help you memorize that kana, but by far the most useful. Instead of mindlessly copying down the hiragana over and over. He gives you both key words and components connected with imagery to remember the kana and strokes. What makes this help is he continues to use the same image components when the shapes reoccur. Interesting things like puppy dog tails and daggers. It is much better than simply associating the individual hiragana with individual images such as I have seen in other author's works. It is easy to mix up the shape later on that way.

Another interesting approach Heisig conducts is the idea the hiragana should be memorized in a different order rather than the standard dictionary way. The pages and hiragana are all in order of a Japanese dictionary, but as you progress you jump pages in what he thinks is an easier and better way to learn. And that it is. Heisig also asks you to keep track of how long it takes to complete each lesson, and at the end you add up all the minutes. That's how I found I that I memorized the hiragana within 3 hours like he promised.

I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. For I know officially can read and write the hiragana, and it only took 3 hours spread out within 3 days.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Beginning

It's all gotta start somewhere right?

My name is Kelly and this is my journey.

About Me:
One girl and one Japanese obsession might be a more accurate title for my blog, but I can't make myself sound so desperate! For several years now I have appreciated the Japanese history, culture and language, quickly turning related activities from hobby's into habits. It is now an undeniable part of my life, and not likely to stop being that way. I've come to turns with that concept, and find no other way to cope with such a fascination than to make it apart of a future career. I plan, or more ambitiously, will become a Japanese-English interpretor.

I'm quite a ways from that ambition, but it's the journey in between that makes the end worth the while. To get there from where I am will take several years and it will take me to many different places. From where I am now, I have yet another year till I achieve my Associates degree. From there I transfer to the Florida International University to major in Asian Studies and receive a certificate in Japanese studies. After I graduate with my bachelors I plan on putting my preferred career on hiatus and apply as a English assistant teacher in Japan! The JET Programme is my first choice, but whatever gets me there is good to me. It will not only improve my fluency in the language but my general knowledge of the Japanese will undoubtedly increase significantly. So there I will remain for however many years, who knows how much at this point, but whenever I see fit I will finish that job and at long last become an interpretor.

More close to home, I am an ordinary college student with an extraordinary passion. Of course I have other interests and hobby's but that's not what this blog is about now is it?